If you have kept a travel journal, this can also be incorporated into the photo book in a stylish way so that the book tells a nice story in text as well as photos.
The guide below applies only to submitting a travel diary. If you only want to include a few loose phrases in your photo book, you can indicate this by submitting changes once the draft design is ready.
To ensure that the text goes with the right day or right photo in the book, it is important that you deliver the text in an organized manner.
If you haven’t done this yet, make sure you first have the photos organized in separate folders by day.
Provide the text in a Word document.
Make sure it is clear which text belongs to which folder of photos. You’ve probably, as indicated in the previous step, placed the photos for each day in a separate folder.
Then, above each piece of text, indicate which folder of photos the text belongs to. As shown here.
If you have text that needs to be specifically associated with a photo, indicate this by mentioning the file name of the photo above the piece of text.
Save the Word-document in the same folder where the picture folders are. That way it is easy to find.
Once you have saved the Word document, you will create a ZIP file.
This way, all folders and files are linked together in one file, making it easy to send.
1. Select all folders by tapping [Alles selecteren], or typing [Ctrl + A] on your keyboard
2. Click ‘Send to’
3. Click ‘compressed zip-file’.
If all goes well, a ZIP file has now been created.
You can tell by the file extension ‘.zip’
Rename the ZIP file so you can easily recognize the file.
For example, “Fotoboek Australie 2018” in this case.
A Windows file explorer screen now opens.
1. Navigate to the folder on your computer where the ZIP file containing the photos and text is located.
2. Double-click on the ZIP file your created.
If all goes well, the name of your ZIP file will appear at the top (in this case, ‘Fotoboek Australië 2018.zip’)
1. Enter ‘info@hetleukstefotoboek.nl’ Your file will be sent here.
2. Enter your own email address here.
3. Please type a small comment in this field, so that it is clear which order your photos and text belong to. Be sure to enter your name and order number. You can find the order number on the quotation. Be sure to enter your name and order number. You can find the order number on the quotation. If you can’t find the order number, just enter your name.
4. Click Send
Your file will now be sent.
It may take some time to upload. This depends on the amount of photos and the speed of your Internet. In some cases, it can take up to 45 minutes (but it is usually a lot faster). On the screen, you can see the progress and how long the upload will take.
Do not close the Internet screen until the upload is completely finished!
Your text and photos have been sent.
Once we download your text and photos you will receive a confirmation email from WeTransfer.
We will now start working on your photo book and will contact you as soon as the first draft is ready.
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6905DV Zevenaar
The Netherlands
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